Monday, March 29, 2010

Helpful Printing Definitions

Process for reproducing text and illustrations, traditionally by applying ink to paper under pressure, but today including various other methods. In modern commercial printing, three basic techniques are used. Letterpress printing relies on mechanical pressure to transfer a raised inked image to the surface to be printed. Gravure printing transfers ink from recessed cells of varying depths. In offset printing the printing and nonprinting areas of the plate differ not in height but in wettabitlity.

Offset Printing
In commercial printing, a widely used technique in which the inked image on a printing plate is imprinted on a rubber cylinder and then transferred (offset) to paper or other material. The rubber cylinder gives great flexibility, permitting printing on wood, cloth, metal, leather, and rough paper. In offset printing the matter to be printed is neither raised above the surface of the printing plate (as in letterpress printing) nor sunk below it (as in intaglio, or gravure, printing). Offset printing, a development of lithography, is based on the principle that water and grease do not mix, so that a greasy ink can be deposited on grease-treated printing areas of the plate, while nonprinting areas, which hold water, reject the ink. The offset plate is usually of zinc or aluminum or a combination of metals, with the surface treated to render it porous and then coated with a photosensitive material. Exposure to an image hardens the coating on printing areas; the coating on nonprinting areas is washed away, leaving wetted metal that will reject ink.

Digital Printing
Modern printing methods such as laser and ink-jet printing are known as digital printing. In digital printing, an image is sent directly to the printer using digital files such as PDFs and those from graphics software such as Illustrator and InDesign. This eliminates the need for a printing plate, which is used in offset printing, which can save money and time. With out the need to create a plate, digital printing has brought about fast turnaround times and printing on demand. Instead of having to print large, pre-determined runs, requests can be made for as little as one print. While offset printing still often results in slightly better quality prints, digital methods are being worked on at a fast rate to improve quality and lower costs.

Foil stamping
is the application of foil, a special film-backed material, to paper where a heated die is stamped onto the foil, making it adhere to the surface leaving the design of the die on the paper. Foil stamping can be combined with embossing to create a more striking 3D image.

Foil Embossing
Combination of foil stamping - application of foil with heat - and embossing - creating a raised impression - that results in a raised and foil stamped image is described as foil embossing.  

The creation of a three-dimensional design or image on paper is known as embossing . Heat and pressures reshapes the surface of the paper to create the image. Single, multi-level, beveled, and sculptured are the styles of embossing. Embossing can be done on plain paper or combined with ink, images, or foil for special effects. 2) Graphics software can simulate the three-dimensional look of embossing.

The brochure is one of the best ways to present your company. There are tri-fold brochures used to advertise a new product or service that your company offers, or there are bi-fold folders that are used to present your company projects outside or inside it. There are different brochure types, and every type has a different way to be designed. The criterion adopted to design a bi-fold brochure to present your company projects for internal use would be different from the one for external use.
A well designed brochure is the best way to introduce your company to your potential customers.
A brochure has three functions:
•    Informative function: a brochure is usually used to inform your potential customers with regards to your company. This information is related to your company presentation, a new product or service that your company offers, or a recent change in your company name, etc.
•    Advertising function: a brochure is really important as an advertising tool, which attractively allows you to promote one or more products or services. For further details this function will be analyzed in the section called Advertising aspect.
•    Identification function: a well-done brochure design allows you to maintain a same criterion through all your company brochures. If this criterion (sometimes called concept) is unified in all the brochure types, it will make your company to be recognized automatically. It will give to your company prestige and credibility. It is important for your company brochure not only have a “concept”, but also to have a logo: a well designed logo is essential for any company, is one of the first steps to start an advertising campaign. These three functions should have an interaction. The brochure should be the result of that interaction, otherwise it won’t be effective. Maybe one of those stands out more than the others, but this shouldn’t affect your brochure design. For example, if your company launches a new product and decides to have a brochure designed for this launch, the function that will stand out on your brochure would be the advertising one, even though this brochure could have information regarding the product and at the same time represent your company. But if your company presents a project to another company’s executives, the function that would appear at the first sight in this brochure is the identification one, which makes your company to be seen secure and prestigious, while the advertising and the informative functions would be in a second place.
The brochure is very important when we talk about your corporate image. You have to discuss with your design company what would be the best brochure format to choose, since that choice is decisive if you want your company to be identified in an efficient way. An advertising brochure could be colorful and have big typography, but those characteristics aren’t the right ones for a project presentation, since that project could have a simple, austere and formal brochure design. Morphologically it’s not the same presenting a project with a tri-fold brochure than with folder with inserts. Maybe both options ate right, but you have to decide which one will be more convenient and if it will maximize your benefits.
You could find out more about this morphological aspect in the section called Brochure types, where we’ll be showing you different brochure formats.
In a few words, to plan your company brochure you have to:
•    Think about your brochure objective and function.
•    Stand out one of its functions, like informative, advertising or identification functions.
•    Check if those functions are in the brochure, even though one stands out and the others don’t.
•    Choose the right brochure format based on its objective.

Brochure types
In this section well be showing you different brochure types and their morphological features. As we said before, choosing the right brochure format will determine its effectiveness. It isn’t necessary to have your brochure format already decided; you could have in mind some options or your design company could suggest you a specific format depending on your objective. Some formats are chosen not only for the way the information is presented in these, but also for their comfort and morphological aspect. For example, a marketing investigator would rather prefer presenting his marketing investigation in a bi-fold brochure with inserts, because it would be not only the more convenient way, but also it would allow him to put his report inside the folder, to have his name and the company name he works for or the one that requested the report on its cover. These are the more common formats; they’re followed by a picture in order for you to imagine which one you would like to order for your company.

Bi-fold brochure Letter


Bi-fold brochure


Folder with flap and inserts

These are the more usual formats that generally contain or help to organize the brochure functions. But sometimes there are other formats not so well known that you could use for a specific situation. Among those formats we could mention the envelope, having an enveloped designed could be really effective for your corporate image. Sending envelopes with products, services or promotions information is an investment. A potential customer will consider your company as an important and prestigious one, even more if he receives a letter with your corporate image on its envelope. Some people think that having your own envelopes is just a detail, but it can’t be denied that your company will be seen in a different way than before. It doesn’t mean that if your company doesn’t have its own envelopes it’s not a prestigious one (that happens with major companies), but we want you to consider this brochure type as an interesting an affordable way to improve your corporate image. Having a brochure will improve your image and your profits. The size is other morphological aspect. You have to consider the brochure size when you’re thinking about your brochure design and objective. It’s important having the brochure size chosen at the time of designing, because it will determine how the designer will be working. It will be different for him working with a small brochure than with a big one. The format and its size have to coincide with the intention of your brochure. For example, doing a tri-fold brochure with an A3 size to be given out in the streets is not effective, because it would be difficult to be kept and would be inconveniencing the receiver. And if the receiver decides to keep it, he would need to fold something that is already folded (the way a brochure is folded is the way that you want the information to be read), and when he decides to read it, he would be having in his hands a brochure that doesn’t show off. This is a damage for you and your company. Therefore, the best solution in this situation would be having a smaller size than before, so that could be kept without having to be folded.

Tri Fold Brochures
In tri folds there are 6 panels with two parallel folds in a spiral fold configuration. This is a common type of fold for tri-fold brochures. To allow the panels to nest inside each other properly, the folded in end panel is usually 1/32" to 1/8" narrower than the other panels.

A newsletter is a regularly distributed publication generally about one main topic that is of interest to its subscribers. Newspapers and leaflets are types of newsletters.[1] Additionally, newsletters delivered electronically via email (e-Newsletters) have gained rapid acceptance for the same reasons email in general is gaining popularity over printed correspondence.Many newsletters are published by clubs, churches, societies, associations, and businesses, especially companies, to provide information of interest to their members, customers or employees. Some newsletters are created as money-making ventures and sold directly to subscribers. Sending newsletters to customers and prospects is a common marketing strategy, which can have benefits and drawbacks.General attributes of newsletters include news and upcoming events of the related organization, as well as contact information for general inquiries.

Pocket Folders
A multi-use workhorse, this piece alone, if designed well, can send the message that you are in business to stay. (This one will cost a little but it has many uses)Pocket folders are versatile tools that can hold presentations, annual reports, sales reports, and marketing materials. Learn why they are important and get ideas for creating and using pocket folders.Although you could buy generic folders, a custom folder adds impact and reinforces your identity. Neenah Paper has a handy list of Custom Folders with sizes and uses along with free pocket folder templates.

A letterhead is the heading at the top of a sheet of letter paper. It usually consists of a name and an address, and a logo or corporate design, and sometimes a background. Letterhead may also refer to a piece of letter paper imprinted with such a heading.

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